Impact story

After the translation of the book of Proverbs Edwin read the draft in several church meetings  and those in attendance say a lot of good  things on how they understand it, many say “It is self-explanatory “  and they don’t need any more commentary. Rael said “This version sounds better than the Kalenjin version; it is clear and cuts the heart”  

Proverbs 31: 10-31 explains very well about a prudent wife and during a women’s meeting in Kapchesowes , Edwin read and taught about Christian women using the text in Marakwet and it was very well receipt. The women who were at the meeting said “It was like we have never read this passage before yet we have been reading, but this has come to us in a very new and powerful way which cut across our hearts”. After the meeting they all need the copies because the book has not yet come out.   


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